Remote Tachograph Downloading

Are you fed up of wasting time chasing vehicles and drivers to get the downloads?

What is the legal requirement?

Legally, driver cards must be downloaded every 28 days and vehicles every 90 days. In reality, in terms of compliance, is this good enough? We think not. 

Ideally we would advise you to take driver downloads every day and vehicle downloads at least once a month (although weekly would be even better). 

What is the problem?

Quite simply in the real world, it takes a lot of time and effort to ensure the downloads are all complete on time. You may rarely see the drivers and vehicles, you may just not have time to complete them. With vehicle downloads taking up to 20 minutes for a full download, the time it requires can soon add up.

What does it do?

Whilst your vehicle is driving down the road, it will download the tachograph data (both driver and vehicle). You will never have to manually download again. Either yourselves or us can set a schedule and it does it for you. Set it and forget it. It's that easy. 

Will it work with my vehicle?

As a general rule, if your vehicle is newer than 2011 it will work. It will work on all makes of Tachograph and both GEN1 and GEN2. The easiest way to check it will work, is to check the serial number of the Tachograph. To do this, take a print out or a vehicle download.

How does it work?

A device is placed at the back of the Tachograph on each vehicle. This takes less than 10 minutes per vehicle and is plug and play. You can do it yourself, no costly installations. This device will also track your vehicle.

A company card is then sat waiting in a computer. You can do this or we can do it for you. The data is sent from the company card to the Tachograph and the magic happens. A download is taken. It is then available online in the legal format.

Interested? Why Not Contact Us To Discuss Your Requirements